What is an Aunt Minnie?

Q: What is an Aunt Minnie?

A: The exact origins of the term "Aunt Minnie" are a bit hazy, but it's believed to have been coined in the 1940s by Dr. Ben Felson, a radiologist at the University of Cincinnati. He used it to describe "a case with radiologic findings so specific and compelling that no realistic differential diagnosis exists."

In other words: If it looks like your Aunt Minnie, then it's your Aunt Minnie.

AuntMinnie's founder, radiologist Dr. Phillip Berman, felt the term was a perfect fit for the radiology website he began to develop in 1999. AuntMinnie.com launched in November of that year, and it soon became a friendly, familiar stop on the internet for "Radiology Decisions Start HereTM".

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Last Updated ab 5/5/2016 11:00:45 AM